Chestnut Saplings For Sale
Chestnut Trees
We sell Marigoule®, Maraval® and Marsol® chestnuts. Contact us for a personalised offer!
We market the products of the Linard nursery in France
Nut grafts. Chestnuts. Hazelnuts. Forest nut. Own orchard.
About Chestnuts
Chestnuts are fruits rich in potassium, vitamins and minerals, which provide the body with essential nutrients for a balanced diet.
They can be eaten ripe or pureed without losing any of their properties.

Marigoule® Chestnut
Marigoule® is the name of a French chestnut hybrid crossed between a European and Japanese chestnut. In 1986, it originated from a Migoule orchard in Ussac in the Corrèze. Marigoule® is a very tasty chestnut. It should be planted at fairly low altitude in very sunny areas and protected from the wind.

Maraval® Chestnut
Maraval® is a natural hybrid called chestnut, a cross between a European chestnut and a Japanese chestnut. INRA bred this variety in 1986 in Lalevade-d’Ardèche, France. Maraval® produces a large mahogany nut, from triangular to elliptical triangular shape. The nut keeps well.

Marsol® Chestnut
Marsol® is a natural chestnut hybrid, a cross between a European and Japanese chestnut. INRA produced this variety from Lalevade-d’Ardèche. It is mainly used as a rootstock because of its good graft compatibility with many varieties. As a rootstock, it is more vigorous than Maraval®.
Requirements for planting
INRA produced this variety from Lalevade-d’Ardèche. It grows and develops normally in areas where average annual temperatures exceed 9°C. It prefers long, warm autumns and is sensitive to sudden frosts. During dormancy it can withstand temperatures as low as -25°C. Light is not an important factor for this species. It also grows well in semi-shade. It needs about 700 mm of rainfall per year, evenly distributed over the growing season. On the other hand, the chestnut does not tolerate excess moisture in the soil, and the groundwater should not be less than 4 metres deep. It prefers deep, fertile soils with a high water-air ratio and an acid pH (4.8 – 6.5).
The land on which the plantation is to be established should be chosen according to the climate and soil requirements of the species. The most favourable areas in Romania are those in the hills, where other chestnut species grow naturally.
The preparation of the land is part of the general technology for establishing fruit plantations. The plot is cleared of the pre-planting crop and cleaned of all plant debris (including underground). After this operation the land is levelled and basic fertilization is applied (after agrochemical soil mapping) with 40 tons/ ha manure. Fertilisation can be completed with 100 kg/ha active substance phosphorus and 80 kg/ha active substance potassium. The manure is incorporated into the soil by ploughing to a depth of 30 – 35 cm, and then two passes are made with a disc harrow.